Association des études Jeanne d'ArcHistorical Association for Joan of Arc Studies
(Historical Academy for Joan of Arc Studies)


Royal Financial Records Concerning Payments for
Twenty-Seven Contingents in the Portion of Joan of Arc's Army
Which Arrived At Orléans on 4 May 1429

Extended Abstract

Series: Joan of Arc: Primary Sources Series (ISSN: 1557-0355 - electronic format)

Item #: PSS021406 (PDF format): ISBN: 1-60053-045-1; ISBN-13: 978-1-60053-045-6

Contributors: Robert Wirth (editor), Virginia Frohlick (peer-review), Margaret Walsh (authorial contribution), Allen Williamson (authorial contribution and translation)

Purpose: Joan of Arc's place in history is due largely to the military campaigns of 1429-1430, for which a wealth of documented details have survived in the extant manuscript sources. Nevertheless, this information is often overlooked by authors, partly due to a lack of accessible English translations.

Context and Methodology: This article contains a translation of an entry in the French Royal financial archives (register of Hémon Raguier, Royal War Treasurer) which documents payments given to twenty-seven contingents in the portion of Joan of Arc's army which had been forced to approach Orléans on the north side of the Loire. This route had been necessitated by a lack of sufficient boats to bring these troops across to the city when Joan of Arc herself entered it on the evening of 29 April 1429. Delayed by the need to march back to Blois and cross the bridge there before continuing onward to Orléans, this portion of the army did not arrive until May 4th.
The financial entry translated in this article provides an accounting of the commanders, payments, and in many cases the troop strength (for each category of soldier) for each contingent listed. The translation is accompanied by notes designed to clarify certain points in the text or provide additional details.

Comments: This article is part of an ongoing series which will present translations and transcriptions of the primary source documents concerning Joan of Arc and her historical context. Each article or book will generally take the form of either a collection of excerpts with a common theme, or an individual source which has been little studied or was previously unknown. It is hoped that such a series will bring a greater degree of rigor to the subject and serve to correct some of the copious and often egregious misconceptions which have frequently characterized previous writings on the topic of Joan of Arc.

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(Historical Association for Joan of Arc Studies).
All Rights Reserved.
Page last updated: 06 April 2013.